Exploring the Breakthrough and Challenges of Cell Proliferation Assay Services
Cell proliferation assay services have revolutionized the field of biomedical research, enabling scientists to gain cruc…
Special Blood Immune Cells - Monocytes May Have Proliferation Ability
The ability of cells to divide and multiply is essential to life, allowing complex organisms to form from a single cell,…
The Role of T cells and B cells in Enhancing The Immune Response
During tumor development, immune cells can fight tumor spread by proliferating, migrating and adapting to the surroundin…
Transplantation of iPS-derived Human Photoreceptor Cells Successfully Integrated into The Retina and Restored Rhe Photoreceptor Ability of Mice
Studies have shown that the human brain mainly receives external information through five senses: vision, hearing, smell…
N6-methyladenosine Modification Regulates Iron Death Through Hepatic Stellate Cell Autophagy Signaling Pathway
Iron death is a recently discovered non-apoptotic form of cell death, which is characterized by iron-dependent lipid per…
Scientists Utilizes 3D Printing Technology to Create A Complete Model of Glioblastoma
At present, the commonly used model for tumor research is tumor cells grown in 2D culture dishes, but this model lacks t…
The Characteristic RNA Changes in Blood Exosomes of Patients with Liver Cancer
According to preliminary data provided at the annual conference of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) i…
Different Phases of Cell Cycle and Its Main Events within
Cell cycle, which refers to the whole process from the first split that produce new cells to the end of second division,…