New Study that Mimics The Fasting Process to Help Regenerate Stem Cells in The Intestine
24-hour fasting can help keep intestinal stem cells young and vibrant. Recently, biologists at the Massachusetts Institu…
Adult Stem Cells Derived from Adipose Tissue
Adipose derived stem cells are cells isolated from adipose tissue (depots of fat for storing energy ), such as the abdom…
The first Human Stomach Tissue Was Generated with Stem Cell
A recent report announced that a group of scientists had successfully generated functional, three-dimensional human stom…
How do scientists achieve stem cells differentiation?
How do scientists achieve stem cells differentiation?Stem cells are extraordinary cells, capable of both self-renewal an…
Several Questions About Embryonic Stem Cells
What are embryonic stem cells?Embryonic stem cells are cells derived from embryos. Most embryonic stem cells are derived…